Health & Wellness Coaching
What is it?
I’ll keep it brief. Health Coaching works! But what is it?
Health Coaching takes an in-depth look at how your lifestyle is affecting your health. More than just the physical, we tend to aspects such as stress management, daily routine, mental & emotional health, relationships, habits and decision-making skills, to name a few. So much gets uncovered.
So, we work together until you feel healthier, happier, living your life unapologetically and able to express yourself freely.
SPOILER - it doesn’t take long!
The secret sauce is how willing you are to shine the spotlight on yourself and challenge the aspects of your lifestyle that are keeping you stuck. When this happens in an environment where you feel understood and supported you become the driver of your power to make a change.
The other secret is accountability coaching.
I’m a trained accountability coach. Accountability coaching does not mean I am on your case 24/7. It means that you are not left to sort it out alone. I know how and when to support you to make the changes you WANT to make, and I have the coaching skills needed to maintain momentum towards achieving them.
Did you know?
When it comes to reaching a goal, you are more likely to accomplish your goals when you have guidance and accountability. In fact, a study by the ASTD has shown that having a specific accountability appointment with a person you have committed to increases your success by 95%.
This is about you.
Relax. Speak freely. No topic is off-limits when we work together. I help you carve your own path to natural living and better health.
It will never be about ‘fixing’ you, always about ‘being’ you.
The true you.
This is not a program, more a place where you can relax and speak freely.
My job is to lift any burden of knowing all the answers and help end confusion about food, identify your obstacles and help find solutions.
Your job is to commit to yourself and prioritise moving forward.
We work together on your Health, Happiness and Mindset.
I work holistically, meaning we talk about what is happening off your plate more than what is going on it.
So, YES, food is important, but it doesn’t come first on my list!
CONNECTION - The most important area for your health and happiness is how connected you feel. This means how you show up in the world and the quality of your relationships but, MOST importantly, deepening the connection you have with yourself.
SELF WORTH - Self-worth is connected to how we view our ability to prioritise self-care and lifestyle change. It is common to question how well we are equipped to manage big life changes, so no amount of work you do on your self worth is ever wasted.
SLEEP - The single best gift you can give yourself.
STRESS - learning more about your triggers, understanding how they can manifest in your body. Discover the best stress relief solutions for you.
FOOD - Of course, what you fuel your body with is important. Let’s search for the nutrients and vitamins you may lack, talk about how amazing it is to eat chocolate, and why it is important to listen to your body. Ensure you have adequate gut health and digestion to make the most of the goodness you feed yourself.
A client-centred approach to understanding your health and treating the cause, not the symptom.
A new way to question yourself on what feels right for you, both on and off the plate. To make decisions that serve you and avoid a cycle of self-sabotage.
To understand how stress affects your body, where and how it shows up, what your triggers are and some effective ways to claim back some calm.
Space for you to be completely honest about what lights you up, to help you trust your judgement about what your next real step is to moving forward.
Break down your meaning of happiness and success. Recreate its definition to what it means for you.
Direction changes when you need it.
Steps to more energy and vitality improved sleep and clearer skin.
A path to walk away from negative self-talk such as self-doubt, comparison, fear of failure or judgement.
An understanding of how powerful the stories we tell ourselves are and ways to re-frame the way you talk to yourself now and into your future.
Positive energy and a professional coach who totally has your back.
You will feel empowered to make healthy choices.
You will learn to live simply what is true.
You will be able to navigate challenges by responding (not reacting) in a way that serves you best.
Have a deeper reverence for your body, emotional strength and your ability to use your intuition.
I want you to say goodbye to feeling overcommitted and overtired and prioritise yourself unapologetically.
Complete the health history form (found in the client forms tab)
Complete a 5-day food diary (download from the client forms tab)
Bring any relevant documentation/information.
Recommendations are given in your initial consultation; however, we recommend at least one follow up visit. Best results are seen over 5-6 sessions.
You are welcome to a 15 min chat to help decide if this is right for you or if you have any questions, please contact us today.